Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Ugghh....what's that smell?

"ughhhh....what is that smell?"
"I don't smell anything.  You've been on a sniffing frenzy lately...what's the matter with you?

courtesy of theysayimnuts.blogspot.com 
For the last few days, I've been smelling the most incredible scents as well as the most pungent in my home.  From what seems like the most amazingly delicious freshly baked cookies ...to an incredibly inviting mango candle I've had forever whose scent seems to have been revived overnight....to the most disgusting, pungent, rotten banana peel in the trashcan that seems like it's been there for 7 months and counting.....I'm not sure why.  My heightened sense of smell isn't the only thing awry.

On Saturday evening, I met with a few girlfriends at a nice Cuban restaurant for dinner.  There's something so refreshing about outdoor seated dinning during warm weather.  The hour-long drive was exhausting, but I made it home in time for a midnight snack -- an ice cream bar -- I was starving... then off to bed.  No sooner than 5 hours later, I was awakened by a sudden urge to eat (I was starving)....and pee.....and for some reason I had an itchy, swelling bottom lip.

Did I get bitten by the mosquito I accidentally let in last night while fiddling with the front door?
But ....why on my lip???  Rather odd location for a mosquito bite.

Ohhh nooo....perhaps I'm having an allergic response from the ginormous fried whole white fish I devoured the night before (I was starving!).  Afterall, my lip is swelling by the minute.

That can't be.   I have zero food allergies....!  Plus, I eat sushi or some kind of fish-based dish just about every day.  I live on this stuff.  If I died and had a chance to reincarnate, I'd come back as a mermaid so I can eat all the fish I could get my hands on.   That's how committed I am.   So I can't just develop an allergy to fish all of a sudden.  I'd die!!!!!!

I sent a picture of my swelling lip to my nurse in a panic and asked for advice.  I'd have to come in for an inspection of the area and a culture if necessary.

When I arrived for my impromptu visit, not only did my nurse walk in the consultation room but she was followed by a whole team of medical professionals.  All were smiling and glaring at me.  Creepy!

"Let's take a look at your lip.  Oh my, it's huge!"
"What do you think it is?  I'm scared.  My body has been doing weird things lately.  I feel like I'm under attack."