Friday, September 26, 2014

Sucking the Life Out of Me...

"Where have you been?"

Me? ....busy!  Very busy!  Let's play catch up...

I've been pregnant for many months now, and it's been a joy.....well, NOW it's a joy but it hasn't always been so blissful.  Take a walk down memory lane with me back to week 8, first trimester...

9am  -- I had a routine ultrasound.  It was to be my second to last visit to the fertility institute before graduating to my obstetrician for regular prenatal check-ups.   I had cramps, lots of uncomfortable cramps.

No heartbeat.  No picture of a baby.  Nothing.  

"What's wrong doc?  You look worried."
"uhmmm...I can't seem to find....can you slide to the left?  No wait, don't move.  Ok, now to the right.  Hmm....I can't.......I'll be right back".

In walks the attending doctor and she attempts to perform the ultrasound.
"Hmm....we can't seem to find the baby abdominally...let's try a pelvic ultrasound.

She tried and couldn't locate the fetus, instead a huge mass that had grown significantly larger since the last ultrasound and was incredibly painful to the touch.  She could go no further into my uterus.

"I'm afraid the baby may have stopped growing and the gigantic fibroid has sucked the life out of it.  I'll need to send you to the lab for an advanced ultrasound with better technology....ASAP.  Cancel your afternoon plans."

That day ended up being one of the most horrific scariest stressful interesting days of my life.  

Many, many slow-moving hours later of waiting and panicking and crying and praying and lots of tests....we found the baby....chilling in the corner, completely unfazed.

Yep...I was nurturing twins. no....slow down.  Not twin babies...more like twin organisms growing in my body at the same rate.  One, welcomed with open arms, and the other...the bane of my existence!  Yes, FIBROIDS!  One particular fibroid had grown to about 7 centimeters (from mere millimeters the week before) as a result of my increased hormone levels and was competing with the baby for blood supply.  I later discovered it was something called 'fibroid degeneration'...a rather common occurrence amongst many women with fibroids during pregnancy...the baby was going to win this fight and the fibroid was not going down without a fight.  I paid for it with my sanity!

I spent the next two weeks in and out of the ER for intense, gut-wrenching, extremely unbearable pain.  The pain was so bad, I couldn't walk, eat, sleep, or even urinate.  Yes, peeing was excruciatingly painful....every tinkle felt like I was being sliced open with unsanitized, red hot sharp razors and the wound immediately being doused with salt.  PAINFUL!  I was given a few doses of morphine just to quell the pain while in the hospital, then a low dose of Percocet every few hours as needed, for about 2 weeks until I was no longer suffering.   I couldn't help but obsess over the impact of all these narcotics on my unborn child's development ....but there's still a God, right?  At some point, my faith had to kick in.

Say a prayer.
Pop a pill.
Wait a few minutes....
Ahhhh....feel the high!  I'm floating....pain free.  
What's showing on Lifetime?