Thursday, May 29, 2014

Spilled Milk

At what point do you mourn the loss of a....


First we have to define what '____' is!  So let's give you some background.

So septomom is no more.  The embryologist advised the seven well-performing embryos are now down to six.  Six went on to the next stage -- blastocysts, and one's cell stopped dividing at around 5pm.  The cells of an embryo will stop dividing (growing into specialized cells which eventually develop into human parts) for a number of reasons, the main one being that something went wrong with its chromosomes.  Nature will find a way to self-abort (if it can), rather than perpetuate or introduce a potentially detrimental defect into the gene pool.

(I paraphrase)
"We lost one", he said.
"WHAT?  HOW?  I worked really hard to produce that egg!"

"It happens....part of life.  Can't cry over spilled milk.  Let's focus on cryopreserving the best performing embryos"
"....did you just call my dead embryo spilled milk???"
"hmmm.....I see you need some time alone.  Let's ...uhmmm.... I ....have a ....uhmmm....thing to do....uhmmm"
"....Have a good evening!"

Reminds me of some of those very heated debates I used to find myself in....about 'when life begins' and whether abortions should be considered murder.  

So what do you do when a 4-day old embryo stops dividing?  Cry?  Mourn?  Plan a funeral service?  Clean up spilled milk??? 

1 comment:

  1. Well, I don't think it can be immediately dismissed. It was a potential life. It was part of both of you. If I felt like crying I'd just cry, but still try to put it into perspective, accept what is, and pray that the other little potential babies make it through.
