Sunday, May 25, 2014

Shots, Shots, Shots!

Remember back in the "I'm Huge" post, where I broke down what happens to non-dominant follicles that don't go on to ovulation, but instead disintegrate and produce necessary hormones in a woman's body... mainly progesterone?

Hold that thought!

So because all the eggs I produced grew to a considerable size -- essentially no particular one was dominant -- they were all harvested from my body leaving nothing behind to disintegrate and produce progesterone.  It's a hormone that gives support to the lining of the uterus and is needed to maintain an early pregnancy.  At around 12 weeks, the placenta starts producing its own progesterone and can sustain itself.

Sooooo....what does that have to do with the gigantic 22 gauge needle pictured above?  THAT bad boy goes in my ass every night....(too graphic for ya??? put yourself in my shoes!).  I get a shot of progesterone every night until the medical team says stop!  The ENTIRE needle must go in as it needs to penetrate into the muscle.  [He] gets to do the honors.  I get to numb the area an hour before the shot with Lidocaine, but funny enough, on days when I've managed to get on every one of his last nerves, I seem to feel the pain of the needle.  Somehow the numbing cream doesn't work when he's mad at me....


*disclaimer:  I'd recommend taking a break from reading this blog for anyone with delicate sensibilities, an inability to cope with death, in-vitro abortions, miscarriages, and the likes.  As these tend to be the realities of many (not all) infertility treatments, many may find it difficult to keep up with future posts. I'll try to keep it light, however keep in mind this is just one person's experience and perspective*

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